Tuesday, June 23, 2009



I haven't posted here in over a year. I neglected to mention here that I've actually moved to another site-


Sorry about that. Ooops.

Admittedly though, I have had a few things on my mind- pregnancy, birth and now a baby who is about to turn 13 weeks!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

a springful of children in Long Beach, California

It was a beautiful day, and we went to a nearby park and played for a couple of hours while I took pictures.... the kids are gorgeous and loving, easy to photograph.

At the beginning, there was a little bit of awkwardness

But eventually, everyone relaxed

and even lay down in the shade!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Africa Unite!

Went to a screening of 'Africa Unite' at UC Berkeley last night with my darling husband. It was a great film to watch, really hopeful and empowering and the panel discussion held after the film expanded on that.

Here's a pic of some of the organisers I had the pleasure of meeting:

Monday, March 10, 2008

Ajira Darch Photography launched...

here we go! here we go! here we go! Resigned from my 9-5 today and going to give this photo thing a go!

Nerve wracking and exciting. So much to learn and so much to do!

Went to several Apple workshops today on photo applications such as Aperture and Photoshop. So helpful in figuring out a workflow. Still... so much to learn and so much to do!

I took this a few weeks ago on a walk in Canyon Trail park here in our very own El Cerrito, California! Beautiful and solid.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ajira's photos...

I'm going to post my faves here...
